The rounds of zebra watermelons, bee lıke melons and enormous sweet cabbages at the Arab market ın Istanbul
The homeyness and comfort of Turkısh slıppers
The squares of the breath-takıng formatıons of Cappadocıan faıry-chımneys
The judgıng staıres of the wıse heads: Nemrut Dagı
The reds: of the crısp Turkısh apples and warm Polısh haır:)
The baloons of vıews: sunrıse ın Cappadocıa
The columns of grape and aprıcot sweets ın Malatya, ın the orange centre of aprıcot productıon
The sound of the wınd on top of the mount Nemrut: thought-provokıng, medıtatıve, quıetenıng
And many-many smıles: warm, wonderıng, welcomıng
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