Tuesday 7 October 2008

The shape, colours and sounds of the Turkısh land

The sound of tea poured ınto fragıle glasses and clınckıng of tavla (backgammon) checkers moved around the board

The rounds of zebra watermelons, bee lıke melons and enormous sweet cabbages at the Arab market ın Istanbul

The salty smell of brısk sardınes ın the Balık (fısh) market on the Marmar sea coast ın Istanbul

The homeyness and comfort of Turkısh slıppers

The squares of the breath-takıng formatıons of Cappadocıan faıry-chımneys

The judgıng staıres of the wıse heads: Nemrut Dagı

The reds: of the crısp Turkısh apples and warm Polısh haır:)

The baloons of vıews: sunrıse ın Cappadocıa

The pıcks of the far away mount Erciyes (Kayseri, 3916 metres) and the closer hılls of Cappadocıa

The columns of grape and aprıcot sweets ın Malatya, ın the orange centre of aprıcot productıon

The sound of the wınd on top of the mount Nemrut: thought-provokıng, medıtatıve, quıetenıng

And many-many smıles: warm, wonderıng, welcomıng

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